Airs of Protests in U.S. Universities Continue to Blow

April 30, 2024 Hour: 5:53 pm

In recent days, pro-Palestinian protests in US universities have not stopped, quite the contrary. Students from more than 60 faculties have joined the demonstrations.


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One of the first student centers where protests have taken place, Columbia University, police have been trying for a whole week to evict protesters from campaign houses outside the campus.

At the University of Texas, police forces lashed out at the protesting crowd, unleashing a wave of repression and brutality. In turn, university authorities have reported that all students participating in the Palestinian marches will be expelled from the house of higher education.

On the other hand, the University of California requested assistance from the state police force, to support the university’s security forces in repressing and arresting pro-Palestinian protesters.

Added to this, at the University of Gainesville, camp authorities went even further, calling for military troops to control the mass of students.

Meanwhile in Minessotta, students tried to raise their camp after police forces tried to disperse the demonstration by force.

Other prestigious student centers such as MIT and Harvard University have also reported demonstrations in support of Palestine, which have been repressed with force.

The students call for an end to the contracts of the high school houses with the arms race and also advocate a ceasefire and condemn Israel. Today, a total of 9,000 student arrests have already been reported.


Autor: teleSUR/ CC

Fuente: aljazeera-efe

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